Mockup of the Singularity Sauce Prototype bottle
Mockup of the Singularity Sauce Prototype bottle
Mockup of the Singularity Sauce Prototype bottle


Singularity Sauce


Singularity Sauce


Singularity Sauce engaged our services to create a new label design for their prototype series, an exclusive range of products for a select group of customers to test and provide feedback on. Our goal was to develop a label that would effectively showcase the uniqueness of the experimental products and enhance the overall branding of Singularity Sauce. To achieve this, we created a single-label design that effectively communicated vital product information and a swing tag system that allowed for more detailed information about each product. The swing tags were designed to be easily detachable for customers who wanted to keep them as a reference. With this approach, we ensured that Singularity Sauce could gather valuable customer feedback while maintaining a professional and innovative brand image.



Singularity Sauce Prototype label
Singularity Sauce Prototype label
Singularity Sauce Prototype label
Mockup of the Singularity Sauce Prototype bottle

Holographic foil was applied to the branding.

Mockup of the Singularity Sauce Prototype bottle

Holographic foil was applied to the branding.

Mockup of the Singularity Sauce Prototype bottle

Holographic foil was applied to the branding.

Mockup of the Singularity Sauce Prototype bottle

A custom icon was designed to represent the experimental nature of the product.

Mockup of the Singularity Sauce Prototype bottle

A custom icon was designed to represent the experimental nature of the product.

Mockup of the Singularity Sauce Prototype bottle

A custom icon was designed to represent the experimental nature of the product.

Mockup of the Singularity Sauce Prototype swing tag
Mockup of the Singularity Sauce Prototype swing tag
Mockup of the Singularity Sauce Prototype swing tag
Mockup of the Singularity Sauce Prototype swing tag
Mockup of the Singularity Sauce Prototype swing tag
Mockup of the Singularity Sauce Prototype swing tag
Mockup of the Singularity Sauce Prototype swing tag
Mockup of the Singularity Sauce Prototype swing tag
Mockup of the Singularity Sauce Prototype swing tag